Roanoke, Virginia

4623 Colonial Ave $2250

Type :
For Rent
Description :
Amazing rental home in long-established neighborhood in SW County, convenient to local shopping,...
Roanoke, Virginia

110 Mountain Ave SW Apt 10 $850

Type :
For Rent
Description :
110 Mountain Ave SW Roanoke, VA 24016 Apt 10 $850/Month One bedroom, one bath apartment...
Roanoke, Virginia

3937 Vauxhall Rd $2600.00

Type :
For Rent
Description :
3937 Vauxhall Rd, Roanoke VA 24018. $2600.00/ month This spacious 4-bedroom, 2 bath property,...
roanoke, Virginia

6421 Orchard View Lane $2150.00

Type :
For Rent
Description :
6421 Orchard View Lane Roanoke, VA 24018 $2,150.00/ month. This beautiful 1,800 sqft frame...

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